LBS Mompreneur Diaries: Encouraging My Daughter to be #SmallButPowerful



Pretty much everything I have accomplished, I can attribute to the support, love and guidance of my parents. Both my parents have been integral in my success but my Mom has undoubtedly always been my biggest cheerleader. She was at every recital, every science competition, every spelling bee, and as an adult she was even there to see my biggest accomplishment – the birth of my baby girl Cadence.


Now as a mother myself, I recognize how important it is to spend time encouraging your children to live their dreams. Whether Cadence decides to become a prima ballerina, a rocket scientist or the next US gymnastics champion like Olympian Simone Biles, I will be right beside her cheering her on and doing everything I can to help her achieve greatness.


I was so touched by this video of Olympic gymnast Simone Biles and her mom Nellie Biles, talking about how important it was for her to let Simone follow her dreams. Check out this touching story, in partnership with P&G:

So when P&G reached out to me about sharing MY personal story about being a new mom and finding all the ways to make Cadence feel powerful even though she’s so small, I was thrilled.


This is a campaign that resonates with me so much especially considering Simone Biles is a young woman of color. As a double minority, we have a special set of challenges we face when it comes to living up to our true potential, being confident, and feeling supported. So true support and confidence has to start at home with a strong foundation. That’s what I strive to be for Cadence. Her support system and her biggest fan.


Sometimes a parent is the very first person to see the potential a child has to be great. And when you see it, even if you don’t understand it fully, you have to be supportive! With Cadence, since she’s still a toddler, it’s important for me to get her involved in different activities so she can figure out on her own what she loves. Currently she’s in love with dance class and gymnastics.

Check out this video we filmed in partnership with P&G featuring her doing one of her favorite activities:

As a mompreneur, I have a hectic schedule but I make Cadence my number one priority. In order to save time in my day, I need shortcuts in every aspect of mommy life from two-in-one beauty products to easy cleaning products that get the job done fast. Tide has undoubtedly given me time back in my day. I grew up on Tide, helping my mom in the laundry room using the same detergent. But these days, Tide has made life a little simpler for busy mommies like me with their Tide Pods. I seriously hate housework and laundry so these have been a life-saver for me.


Don’t forget to make safety a top priority during your laundry routine, especially when children are involved. Head to for ways to protect your family throughout the laundry process by simply applying a few childproofing and home-safety tips.

What about you? Any mommies out there who have hectic schedules? How do you save time in your day? What about the busy working divas without kids yet – have you tried Tide Pods to shave some time off your schedule?

GIVEAWAY: Simply leave me a comment below answering one of the questions above and you’ll be entered to win one of two Tide Pods prize packs. Good luck!

This post is sponsored by Tide. All opinions above are my own and not those of the company.

Christina Brown

Lifestyle influencer and digital mompreneur Christina S. Brown is a New York native, LA resident, and the founder of and BrownGirlsLove. She's an award-winning storyteller, a motivational speaker and an advocate for confident millennial black women.


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