3 Tips For Creating A Self-Care Routine



Life comes at you fast. As someone who invests so much time and energy into giving, whether it’s with my blog or as a mommy or as an entrepreneur, it often becomes a necessity for me to give back to myself. The way I do that is designating special self-care time over the weekend to literally indulge and pamper myself. If you’re feeling burnt out, or not quite like yourself, it may be time for a little self-care. Here are 3 quick and easy tips for developing your own self-care routine:

1. Pick An Indulgence You Love

Everyone has a “thing” that they simply can’t live without. It helps them unwind, brings them unbridled peace and restores their energy. You might be into massages or indulgent days at the hair salon. You might love hot yoga or long walks on the beach. Whatever your “thing” is – do it unapologetically. This is probably going to sound so simple, but my favorite indulgence is a warm, steamy shower. And not those “get-in-and-out in 5 minutes before your kid kicks down the door” type weekday showers.

I’m talking about a long, luxurious weekend shower with my favorite products, my favorite music blasting and the water temperature just right. Whatever your indulgence, be sure to do what makes you feel good. This is YOUR time.

2. Pick A Weekly Time & Stick To It

This is the KEY to developing a routine. Because is it really a routine if you don’t stick to it? The best way to keep yourself on track and focusing on self-care is to schedule it into your calendar just like you schedule your business appointments. Make a date with yourself that you simply can’t cancel. Self-care is important – you’ve gotta make time for it! This should be an unwavering commitment to yourself. Also, it’s a practice. You have to work at prioritizing yourself CONSISTENTLY in order to get to the point where you don’t feel guilty about taking the time. To do that, you have to commit. Hold yourself accountable, and pick a self-care buddy to hold you accountable as well.

3. Cut Off All Distractions

When it’s time for my self-care routine, I make sure everything is taken care of. The kids are with someone who can keep them company while I take my mommy time. I turn off my phone and all notifications that make noise. I turn on my favorite music and just get lost in the warm water and soft lather. I’ll usually do a face mask simultaneously, and if I’m feeling REALLY adventurous I’ll deep condition my hair as well.

I don’t know about you but my self-care routine has truly saved me during those weeks when I just don’t think I can handle life’s craziness anymore. Taking a minute to focus on yourself, be with your thoughts and indulge in an activity you love – guilt free – is something each one of us deserves.

What’s your self-care routine? Share below.

Christina Brown

Lifestyle influencer and digital mompreneur Christina S. Brown is a New York native, LA resident, and the founder of LoveBrownSugar.com and BrownGirlsLove. She's an award-winning storyteller, a motivational speaker and an advocate for confident millennial black women.


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